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Innovate, invest, inspire

Golden Bank,
Your trusted partner

The content displayed on the www.africagoldenbank.com website is for information purposes only and is not contractual or legal by the Golden Bank. We reserve the right to modify this information at any time.

Access to the products and services presented on the site may be restricted for certain individuals or in certain countries. Golden Bank will not provide any product or service to any person if prohibited by the law of that person’s country of origin or any other relevant country.

It is the responsibility of all interested parties to ensure, before subscribing, that their legal and tax status allows them access to the products and services presented on the site, by seeking advice from their usual advisors.

General presence

  • Company name: AFRICA GOLDEN BANK “AGB
  • Legal status: Limited Company (LTD)
  • Subscribed and paid-up capital: FCFA 10,000,000,000
  • Business type: Credit institution
  • Category: Universal banking
  • Creation date: June 12, 2021
  • Ministry responsible: Ministry of Finance
  • Trade register: RC/DLA/2021/B/835
  • Unique identification number (NUI): M1021117100637U
  • Approval: 00000704/MINFI DU 31/08/2023
  • Head office: DOUALA BONANJO, RUE JOSS, BP.10169
  • General Manager: DOUALA BONANJO
  • Telephone: 694222847
  • E-mail: secretariat@africagoldenbank.com
  • Number of shareholders: 07

Intellectual Property

The content of the site (texts, images, videos, etc.) is the exclusive property of Golden Bank LTD and is protected by Cameroonian and international copyright and intellectual property laws.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission or distortion, in whole or in part, of the site or its contents, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, is strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of Golden Bank LTD.

Personal data

Personal data collected on this site is processed in compliance with the provisions of the law and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).


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